Data Quality Assessment Reports -

Data Quality Assessment Reports

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Data Quality Scores can be used to get a quick impression about the quality state of a data source. Below you can find queries that can calculate data quality scores based on pre-defined data requirements on the fly.



Scenario: Calculate the Completeness of a property based on the ratio of all instances of a class and instances that miss a specific property or property value.
Input: All property completeness rules (in OWL DL Design)
Output: Completeness Scores per Property Completeness Requirement
SELECT ?dqr ?tclassURI ?tpropURI (COUNT(?s) AS ?violations) (COUNT(?s2) AS ?total)
(((?total - ?violations)/?total) AS ?completeness)
    ?dqr a dqm:PropertyCompletenessRule .
    ?dqr dqm:testedClass ?tclass .
    ?dqr dqm:testedProperty1 ?tprop .
    ?dqr dqm:requiredValue "true"^^xsd:boolean .
    ?dqr dqm:requiredProperty "true"^^xsd:boolean .
    ?tclass dqm:hasURI ?tclassreal .
    ?tprop dqm:hasURI ?tpropreal .
    BIND (IRI(str(?tpropreal)) AS ?tpropURI) .
    BIND (IRI(str(?tclassreal)) AS ?tclassURI) .
        ?s a ?tclassURI .
        NOT EXISTS{
           ?s ?tpropURI ?value .
        ?s a ?tclassURI .
        ?s ?tpropURI "" .
    ?dqr a dqm:PropertyCompletenessRule .
    ?dqr dqm:testedClass ?tclass .
    ?dqr dqm:testedProperty1 ?tprop .
    ?dqr dqm:requiredValue "true"^^xsd:boolean .
    ?dqr dqm:requiredProperty "true"^^xsd:boolean .
    ?tclass dqm:hasURI ?tclassreal .
    ?tprop dqm:hasURI ?tpropreal .
    BIND (IRI(str(?tpropreal)) AS ?tpropURI) .
    BIND (IRI(str(?tclassreal)) AS ?tclassURI) .
    ?s2 a ?tclassURI .
}GROUP BY ?dqr ?tclassURI ?tpropURI

Uniqueness in Depth

Scenario: Calculate the uniqueness of a property based on the ratio of all instances of a class and instances that have non-unique property values.
Input: All unique value rules (in OWL DL Design)
Output: Uniqueness Scores per unique value rule
SELECT ?dqr ?tclassURI ?tpropURI ((COUNT(?i)/2) AS ?violations) (COUNT(?i3) AS ?total)
(((?total - ?violations)/?total) AS ?uniquenessDepth)
    ?dqr a dqm:UniqueValueRule .
    ?dqr dqm:testedClass ?tclass .
    ?dqr dqm:testedProperty1 ?tprop .
    ?tclass dqm:hasURI ?tclassreal .
    ?tprop dqm:hasURI ?tpropreal .
    BIND (IRI(str(?tpropreal)) AS ?tpropURI) .
    BIND (IRI(str(?tclassreal)) AS ?tclassURI) .
    ?i a ?tclassURI .
    ?i ?tpropURI ?uniqueValue1 .
    ?i2 ?tpropURI ?uniqueValue2 .
    FILTER(?i!=?i2 && (str(?uniqueValue1) = str(?uniqueValue2)))
    ?dqr a dqm:UniqueValueRule .
    ?dqr dqm:testedClass ?tclass .
    ?dqr dqm:testedProperty1 ?tprop .
    ?tclass dqm:hasURI ?tclassreal .
    ?tprop dqm:hasURI ?tpropreal .
    BIND (IRI(str(?tpropreal)) AS ?tpropURI) .
    BIND (IRI(str(?tclassreal)) AS ?tclassURI) .
    ?i3 a ?tclassURI .
}GROUP BY ?dqr ?tclassURI ?tpropURI

Syntactic Accuracy

Based on Syntax Rules

Scenario: Calculate Syntactic Accuracy of a property based on the ratio of all instances of a class and instances that have property values with syntax rule violations.
Input: All syntax rules (in OWL DL Design)
Output: Score for Syntactic Accuracy per syntax rule
SELECT ?dqr ?tclassURI ?tpropURI (COUNT(?i) AS ?violations) (COUNT(?i2) AS ?total)
(((?total - ?violations)/?total) AS ?syntacticAccuracy)
    ?dqr a dqm:SyntaxRule .
    ?dqr dqm:testedClass ?tclass .
    ?dqr dqm:testedProperty1 ?tprop .
    ?dqr dqm:regex ?regex .
    ?tclass dqm:hasURI ?tclassreal .
    ?tprop dqm:hasURI ?tpropreal .
    BIND (IRI(str(?tpropreal)) AS ?tpropURI) .
    BIND (IRI(str(?tclassreal)) AS ?tclassURI) .
    ?i a ?tclassURI .
    ?i ?tpropURI ?value .
    FILTER (!regex(str(?value), ?regex)) .
    ?dqr a dqm:SyntaxRule .
    ?dqr dqm:testedClass ?tclass .
    ?dqr dqm:testedProperty1 ?tprop .
    ?dqr dqm:regex ?regex .
    ?tclass dqm:hasURI ?tclassreal .
    ?tprop dqm:hasURI ?tpropreal .
    BIND (IRI(str(?tpropreal)) AS ?tpropURI) .
    BIND (IRI(str(?tclassreal)) AS ?tclassURI) .
    ?i2 a ?tclassURI .
}GROUP BY ?dqr ?tclassURI ?tpropURI

Based on Legal Value Rules

Scenario: Calculate Syntactic Accuracy of a property based on the ratio of all instances of a class and instances that have property values that are not listed as legal values.
Input: All legal value rules (in OWL DL Design)
Output: Score for Syntactic Accuracy per legal value rule
SELECT ?dqr ?tclassURI ?tpropURI 
(COUNT(?i) AS ?violations) 
(COUNT(?i2) AS ?total)
(((?total - ?violations)/?total) AS ?syntacticAccuracy)
    ?dqr a dqm:LegalValueRule .
    ?dqr dqm:testedClass ?tclass .
    ?dqr dqm:testedProperty1 ?tprop .
    ?tclass dqm:hasURI ?tclassreal .
    ?tprop dqm:hasURI ?tpropreal .
    ?dqr dqm:referenceClass ?rclass .
    ?dqr dqm:referenceProperty1 ?rprop .
    ?rclass dqm:hasURI ?rclassvalue .
    ?rprop dqm:hasURI ?rpropvalue .
    BIND (IRI(str(?tpropreal)) AS ?tpropURI) .
    BIND (IRI(str(?tclassreal)) AS ?tclassURI) .
    BIND (IRI(str(?rpropvalue)) AS ?rpropURI) .
    BIND (IRI(str(?rclassvalue)) AS ?rclassURI) .
    ?i a ?tclassURI .
    ?i ?tpropURI ?value .
        ?i2 a ?rclassURI .
        ?i2 ?rpropURI ?value1 .
        FILTER (str(?value1) = str(?value)) .
    } .
    FILTER (!bound(?value1)) .
    ?dqr a dqm:LegalValueRule .
    ?dqr dqm:testedClass ?tclass .
    ?dqr dqm:testedProperty1 ?tprop .
    ?tclass dqm:hasURI ?tclassreal .
    ?tprop dqm:hasURI ?tpropreal .
    BIND (IRI(str(?tpropreal)) AS ?tpropURI) .
    BIND (IRI(str(?tclassreal)) AS ?tclassURI) .
    ?i2 a ?tclassURI .
}GROUP BY ?dqr ?tclassURI ?tpropURI

Based on Legal Value Range Rules

Scenario: Calculate Syntactic Accuracy of a property based on the ratio of all instances of a class and instances that have property values that are out of a legal range.
Input: All legal value range rules (in OWL DL Design)
Output: Score for Syntactic Accuracy per legal value range rule
SELECT ?dqr ?tclassURI ?tpropURI (COUNT(?i) AS ?violations) (COUNT(?i2) AS ?total)
(((?total - ?violations)/?total) AS ?syntacticAccuracy)
    ?dqr a dqm:LegalValueRangeRule .
    ?dqr dqm:testedClass ?tclass .
    ?dqr dqm:testedProperty1 ?tprop .
    ?dqr dqm:testedProperty1 ?tprop .
      ?dqr dqm:upperLimit ?upperLimit .
      ?dqr dqm:lowerLimit ?lowerLimit .
    ?tclass dqm:hasURI ?tclassreal .
    ?tprop dqm:hasURI ?tpropreal .
    BIND (IRI(str(?tpropreal)) AS ?tpropURI) .
    BIND (IRI(str(?tclassreal)) AS ?tclassURI) .
    ?i a ?tclassURI .
    ?i ?tpropURI ?value .
    FILTER (STRDT(str(?value), xsd:float) > ?upperLimit || 
    STRDT(str(?value), xsd:float) < ?lowerLimit) .
    ?dqr a dqm:LegalValueRangeRule .
    ?dqr dqm:testedClass ?tclass .
    ?dqr dqm:testedProperty1 ?tprop .
    ?tclass dqm:hasURI ?tclassreal .
    ?tprop dqm:hasURI ?tpropreal .
    BIND (IRI(str(?tpropreal)) AS ?tpropURI) .
    BIND (IRI(str(?tclassreal)) AS ?tclassURI) .
    ?i2 a ?tclassURI .
}GROUP BY ?dqr ?tclassURI ?tpropURI

Semantic Accuracy

Scenario: Calculate an approximation to Semantic Accuracy of an instance regarding the value of a certain property based on the ratio of all instances of a class and instances that have property value combinations that are incorrect.
Input: All functional dependent value rules (in OWL DL Design)
Output: Score for Semantic Accuracy per functional dependent value rule
SELECT ?dqr ?tclassURI
(COUNT(?i) AS ?violations) 
(COUNT(?i2) AS ?total)
(((?total - ?violations)/?total) AS ?syntacticAccuracy)
    ?dqr a dqm:FuncDepValueRule .
    ?dqr dqm:testedClass ?tclass .
    ?dqr dqm:testedProperty1 ?tprop .
    ?dqr dqm:equals ?dvalue .
    ?tclass dqm:hasURI ?tclassreal .
    ?tprop dqm:hasURI ?tpropreal .
    ?dqr dqm:hasCondition1 ?cond1 .
   ?dqr dqm:hasCondition2 ?cond2 .
   ?dqr dqm:hasCondition3 ?cond3 .
   ?dqr dqm:hasCondition4 ?cond4 .
   ?dqr dqm:hasCondition5 ?cond5 .
    ?cond1 dqm:conditionalProperty ?cprop1 .
    ?cprop1 dqm:hasURI ?cpropreal1 .
    ?cond1 dqm:equals ?condvalue1 .
    BIND (IRI(str(?tpropreal)) AS ?tpropURI) .
    BIND (IRI(str(?tclassreal)) AS ?tclassURI) .
    BIND (IRI(str(?cpropreal1)) AS ?cpropURI1) .
    ?i a ?tclassURI .
    ?i ?cpropURI1 ?condvalue1 .
    ?i ?tpropURI ?value .
    FILTER (str(?dvalue) != str(?value)) .
    ?dqr a dqm:FuncDepValueRule .
    ?dqr dqm:testedClass ?tclass .
    ?dqr dqm:testedProperty1 ?tprop .
    ?tclass dqm:hasURI ?tclassreal .
    ?tprop dqm:hasURI ?tpropreal .
    ?dqr dqm:hasCondition1 ?cond1 .
   ?dqr dqm:hasCondition2 ?cond2 .
   ?dqr dqm:hasCondition3 ?cond3 .
   ?dqr dqm:hasCondition4 ?cond4 .
   ?dqr dqm:hasCondition5 ?cond5 .
    ?cond1 dqm:conditionalProperty ?cprop1 .
    ?cprop1 dqm:hasURI ?cpropreal1 .
    ?cond1 dqm:equals ?condvalue1 .
    BIND (IRI(str(?tpropreal)) AS ?tpropURI) .
    BIND (IRI(str(?tclassreal)) AS ?tclassURI) .
    BIND (IRI(str(?cpropreal1)) AS ?cpropURI1) .
    ?i2 a ?tclassURI .
    ?i2 ?cpropURI1 ?condvalue1 .
}GROUP BY ?dqr ?tclassURI


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