Data Quality Monitoring Reports
Data Quality Monitoring Reports are an excellent instrument to quickly identify instances with requirement violations.
With the DQM-Vocabulary you can easily create Data Quality Monitoring reports. All you need is a SPARQL-Endpoint that supports SPARQL 1.1 or SPARQL extensions that cover datatype conversion and conversion of strings to URIs. Before you can automatically analyze your data for requirement violations, you need to perform the following steps:
- Declare the elements of your ontology that shall be used in the DQM-Vocabulary
- Create Data Requirements
Data Quality Reports with SPARQL
Each type of data requirement has different problem reports, since the nature of data requirements differs. Moreover, the actual SPARQL query you can use depends on the design option you have chosen to make your ontology elements an instance of dqm:TestedClass and dqm:TestedProperty (See Create Data Requirements#Define Tested Elements for an explanation). In the following you find several SPARQL queries that make use of your data requirements to identify class instances with requirement violations.
Example 1.1: Missing Properties / Values (OWL Full Design)
Scenario: | Find all instances of a certain class that miss a property or a property value. |
Input: | All property completeness rules (in OWL Full Design) |
Output: | All instances with missing properties and values |
SELECT ?dqr ?i WHERE { ?dqr a dqm:PropertyCompletenessRule . ?dqr dqm:testedClass ?tclass . ?dqr dqm:testedProperty1 ?tprop . ?dqr dqm:requiredValue "true"^^xsd:boolean . ?dqr dqm:requiredProperty "true"^^xsd:boolean . { ?i a ?tclass . FILTER NOT EXISTS{ ?i ?tprop ?value . } }UNION{ ?i a ?tclass . ?i ?tprop "" . } }
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Example 1.2: Missing Properties / Values (OWL DL Design)
Scenario: | Find all instances that miss a property or a property value. |
Input: | All property completeness rules (in OWL DL Design) |
Output: | All instances with missing properties and values |
SELECT ?dqr ?i WHERE { ?dqr a dqm:PropertyCompletenessRule . ?dqr dqm:testedClass ?tclass . ?dqr dqm:testedProperty1 ?tprop . ?dqr dqm:requiredValue "true"^^xsd:boolean . ?dqr dqm:requiredProperty "true"^^xsd:boolean . ?tclass dqm:hasURI ?tclassreal . ?tprop dqm:hasURI ?tpropreal . BIND (IRI(str(?tpropreal)) AS ?tpropURI) . BIND (IRI(str(?tclassreal)) AS ?tclassURI) . { ?i a ?tclassURI . NOT EXISTS{ ?i ?tpropURI ?value . } }UNION{ ?i a ?tclassURI . ?i ?tpropURI "" . } }
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Example 2: Conditional Missing Properties / Values (1 Condition, OWL DL Design)
Scenario: | Find all instances in a subset of a certain class that miss a property or a property value. |
Input: | All conditional property completeness rules (in OWL DL Design) |
Output: | Instances with missing properties and values |
SELECT ?dqr ?i ?condvalue WHERE { ?dqr a dqm:ConditionalPropertyCompletenessRule . ?dqr dqm:testedClass ?tclass . ?dqr dqm:testedProperty1 ?tprop . ?dqr dqm:requiredProperty "true"^^xsd:boolean . ?dqr dqm:requiredValue "true"^^xsd:boolean . ?tclass dqm:hasURI ?tclassreal . ?tprop dqm:hasURI ?tpropreal . ?dqr dqm:hasCondition1 ?cond1 . ?cond1 dqm:conditionalProperty ?cprop . ?cprop dqm:hasURI ?cpropreal . ?cond1 dqm:equals ?condvalue . MINUS{ ?dqr dqm:hasCondition2 ?cond2 . } MINUS{ ?dqr dqm:hasCondition3 ?cond3 . } MINUS{ ?dqr dqm:hasCondition4 ?cond4 . } MINUS{ ?dqr dqm:hasCondition5 ?cond5 . } BIND (IRI(str(?tclassreal)) AS ?tclassURI) . BIND (IRI(str(?tpropreal)) AS ?tpropURI) . BIND (IRI(str(?cpropreal)) AS ?cpropURI) . { ?i a ?tclassURI . ?i ?cpropURI ?value NOT EXISTS{ ?i ?tpropURI ?value1 . } }UNION{ ?i a ?tclassURI . ?i ?cpropURI ?value . ?i ?tpropURI "" . } FILTER (str(?value) = str(?condvalue)) . }
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Example 3: Syntax Violations (OWL DL Design)
Scenario: | Find all instances of a certain class with property values that violate a syntax rule. |
Input: | All syntax rules (in OWL DL Design) |
Output: | All instances with property values that have syntax violations |
SELECT ?dqr ?i WHERE { ?dqr a dqm:SyntaxRule . ?dqr dqm:testedProperty1 ?tprop . ?dqr dqm:testedClass ?tclass . ?dqr dqm:regex ?regex . ?tclass dqm:hasURI ?tclassreal . ?tprop dqm:hasURI ?tpropreal . BIND (IRI(str(?tpropreal)) AS ?tpropURI) . BIND (IRI(str(?tclassreal)) AS ?tclassURI) . ?i a ?tclassURI . ?i ?tpropURI ?value . FILTER (!regex(str(?value), ?regex)) . }
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Example 4: Conditional Syntax Violations (1 Condition, OWL DL Design)
Scenario: | Find all syntax violations of property values in a subset of a certain class. |
Input: | All conditional syntax rules(in OWL DL Design). |
Output: | All instances of the subset of the class that have syntax violations. |
SELECT ?dqr ?i WHERE { ?dqr a dqm:ConditionalSyntaxRule . ?dqr dqm:testedClass ?tclass . ?dqr dqm:testedProperty1 ?tprop . ?dqr dqm:regex ?regex . ?tclass dqm:hasURI ?tclassreal . ?tprop dqm:hasURI ?tpropreal . ?dqr dqm:hasCondition1 ?cond1 . ?cond1 dqm:conditionalProperty ?cprop . ?cprop dqm:hasURI ?cpropreal . ?cond1 dqm:equals ?condvalue . MINUS{ ?dqr dqm:hasCondition2 ?cond2 . } MINUS{ ?dqr dqm:hasCondition3 ?cond3 . } MINUS{ ?dqr dqm:hasCondition4 ?cond4 . } MINUS{ ?dqr dqm:hasCondition5 ?cond5 . } BIND (IRI(str(?tpropreal)) AS ?tpropURI) . BIND (IRI(str(?tclassreal)) AS ?tclassURI) . BIND (IRI(str(?cpropreal)) AS ?cpropURI) . ?i a ?tclassURI . ?i ?cpropURI ?condvalueplain . ?i ?tpropURI ?value . FILTER (str(?condvalue) = str(?condvalueplain) && !regex(str(?value), ?regex)) . }
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Example 5: Out of Range Values (OWL DL Design)
Scenario: | Find all instances that have property values out of a specified range. |
Input: | All legal value range rules (in OWL DL Design) |
Output: | All instances with out of range values |
SELECT ?dqr ?i WHERE { ?dqr a dqm:LegalValueRangeRule . ?dqr dqm:testedClass ?tclass . ?dqr dqm:testedProperty1 ?tprop . OPTIONAL{ ?dqr dqm:upperLimit ?upperLimit . } OPTIONAL{ ?dqr dqm:lowerLimit ?lowerLimit . } ?tclass dqm:hasURI ?tclassreal . ?tprop dqm:hasURI ?tpropreal . BIND (IRI(str(?tpropreal)) AS ?tpropURI) . BIND (IRI(str(?tclassreal)) AS ?tclassURI) . ?i a ?tclassURI . ?i ?tpropURI ?value . FILTER (STRDT(str(?value), xsd:float) > ?upperLimit || STRDT(str(?value), xsd:float) < ?lowerLimit) . }
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Example 6: Illegal Values (OWL DL Design)
Scenario: | Find all instances that have illegal property values, i.e. values that are not listed in the trusted reference property. |
Input: | All legal value rules (in OWL DL Design). |
Output: | All instances with values not listed in the trusted reference. |
SELECT ?dqr ?i WHERE { ?dqr a dqm:LegalValueRule . ?dqr dqm:testedClass ?tclass . ?dqr dqm:testedProperty1 ?tprop . ?tclass dqm:hasURI ?tclassreal . ?tprop dqm:hasURI ?tpropreal . BIND (IRI(str(?tpropreal)) AS ?tpropURI) . BIND (IRI(str(?tclassreal)) AS ?tclassURI) . ?dqr dqm:referenceClass ?rclass . ?dqr dqm:referenceProperty1 ?rprop . ?rclass dqm:hasURI ?rclassvalue . ?rprop dqm:hasURI ?rpropvalue . BIND (IRI(str(?rpropvalue)) AS ?rpropURI) . BIND (IRI(str(?rclassvalue)) AS ?rclassURI) . ?i a ?tclassURI . ?i ?tpropURI ?value . OPTIONAL { ?i2 a ?rclassURI . ?i2 ?rpropURI ?value1 . FILTER (str(?value1) = str(?value)) . } . FILTER (!bound(?value1)) . }
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Example 7: Uniqueness Violations (OWL DL Design)
Scenario: | Find all instances with property values that are not unique although they should. |
Input: | All unique value rules (in OWL DL Design). |
Output: | All instances with non-unique values of property that must have unique values for each instance. |
SELECT ?dqr ?i WHERE { ?dqr a dqm:UniqueValueRule . ?dqr dqm:testedClass ?tclass . ?dqr dqm:testedProperty1 ?tprop . ?tclass dqm:hasURI ?tclassreal . ?tprop dqm:hasURI ?tpropreal . BIND (IRI(str(?tpropreal)) AS ?tpropURI) . BIND (IRI(str(?tclassreal)) AS ?tclassURI) . ?i a ?tclassURI . ?i ?tpropURI ?uniqueValue1 . ?i2 ?tpropURI ?uniqueValue2 . FILTER(?i!=?i2 && (str(?uniqueValue1) = str(?uniqueValue2))) } GROUP BY ?dqr ?i
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Example 8: Functional Dependency Violations (1 Condition, OWL DL Design)
Scenario: | Find all instances with inconsistent property values. |
Input: | All functional dependency value rules with 1 condition (in OWL DL Design). |
Output: | All instances with inconsistent property values. |
SELECT ?dqr ?i ?dvalue ?value WHERE { ?dqr a dqm:FuncDepValueRule . ?dqr dqm:testedProperty1 ?tprop . ?dqr dqm:testedClass ?tclass . ?dqr dqm:equals ?dvalue . ?tclass dqm:hasURI ?tclassreal . ?tprop dqm:hasURI ?tpropreal . ?dqr dqm:hasCondition1 ?cond1 . ?cond1 dqm:conditionalProperty ?cprop1 . ?cprop1 dqm:hasURI ?cpropreal1 . ?cond1 dqm:equals ?condvalue1 . MINUS{ ?dqr dqm:hasCondition2 ?cond2 . } MINUS{ ?dqr dqm:hasCondition3 ?cond3 . } MINUS{ ?dqr dqm:hasCondition4 ?cond4 . } MINUS{ ?dqr dqm:hasCondition5 ?cond5 . } BIND (IRI(str(?tpropreal)) AS ?tpropURI) . BIND (IRI(str(?tclassreal)) AS ?tclassURI) . BIND (IRI(str(?cpropreal1)) AS ?cpropURI1) . ?i a ?tclassURI . ?i ?cpropURI1 ?condvalue1 . ?i ?tpropURI ?value . FILTER (str(?dvalue) != str(?value)) . }
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Example 9: Functional Dependency Violations (2 Conditions, OWL DL Design)
Scenario: | Find all instances with inconsistent property values. |
Input: | All functional dependency value rules with 2 conditions (in OWL DL Design). |
Output: | All instances with inconsistent property values. |
SELECT ?dqr ?i WHERE { ?dqr a dqm:FuncDepValueRule . ?dqr dqm:testedProperty1 ?tprop . ?dqr dqm:testedClass ?tclass . ?dqr dqm:equals ?dvalue . ?tclass dqm:hasURI ?tclassreal . ?tprop dqm:hasURI ?tpropreal . ?dqr dqm:hasCondition1 ?cond1 . ?cond1 dqm:conditionalProperty ?cprop1 . ?cprop1 dqm:hasURI ?cpropreal1 . ?cond1 dqm:equals ?condvalue1 . ?dqr dqm:hasCondition2 ?cond2 . ?cond2 dqm:conditionalProperty ?cprop2 . ?cprop2 dqm:hasURI ?cpropreal2 . ?cond2 dqm:equals ?condvalue2 . MINUS{ ?dqr dqm:hasCondition3 ?cond3 . } MINUS{ ?dqr dqm:hasCondition4 ?cond4 . } MINUS{ ?dqr dqm:hasCondition5 ?cond5 . } BIND (IRI(str(?tpropreal)) AS ?tpropURI) . BIND (IRI(str(?tclassreal)) AS ?tclassURI) . BIND (IRI(str(?cpropreal1)) AS ?cpropURI1) . BIND (IRI(str(?cpropreal2)) AS ?cpropURI2) . ?i a ?tclassURI . ?i ?cpropURI1 ?condvalue1 . ?i ?cpropURI2 ?condvalue2 . ?i ?tpropURI ?value . FILTER (str(?dvalue) != str(?value)) . }
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Example 10: Outdated / Expired Values (OWL DL Design)
Scenario: | Find all outdated instances. |
Input: | All expiry rules (in OWL DL Design) and validity date of instances. |
Output: | All instances with that are not valid anymore. |
SELECT ?dqr ?i WHERE { ?dqr a dqm:ExpiryRule . ?dqr dqm:testedProperty1 ?tprop . ?dqr dqm:testedClass ?tclass . ?tclass dqm:hasURI ?tclassreal . ?tprop dqm:hasURI ?tpropreal . BIND (IRI(str(?tpropreal)) AS ?tpropURI) . BIND (IRI(str(?tclassreal)) AS ?tclassURI) . BIND ((now()) AS ?today) ?i a ?tclassURI . ?i ?tpropURI ?expiry . FILTER(?expiry<?today) }
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Example 11: Outdated / Not Updated Values (OWL DL Design)
Scenario: | Find all outdated instances. |
Input: | All update rules (in OWL DL Design) and timestamps of instances. |
Output: | All instances with that are potentially outdated. |
SELECT ?dqr ?i WHERE { ?dqr a dqm:UpdateRule . ?dqr dqm:testedClass ?tclass . ?dqr dqm:testedProperty1 ?tprop . ?dqr dqm:expectedUpdateInterval ?duration . ?tclass dqm:hasURI ?tclassreal . ?tprop dqm:hasURI ?tpropreal . BIND (IRI(str(?tpropreal)) AS ?tpropURI) . BIND (IRI(str(?tclassreal)) AS ?tclassURI) . BIND((dqf:requiredTimestamp(str(?duration))) AS ?reqTimestamp) . ?i a ?tclassURI . ?i ?tpropURI ?timestamp . FILTER(?reqTimestamp>?timestamp) }
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Example 12: Duplicate Instance Rule (3 Properties, OWL DL Design)
Scenario: | Find duplicate instances. |
Input: | Duplicate instance rules with 3 tested properties. |
Output: | All instances that have identical values for the 3 tested properties. |
PREFIX dqm:<> PREFIX xsd:<> SELECT ?dqr ?i WHERE { ?dqr a dqm:DuplicateInstanceRule . ?dqr dqm:testedClass ?tclass . ?tclass dqm:hasURI ?tclassreal . BIND (IRI(str(?tclassreal)) AS ?tclassURI) . ?dqr dqm:testedProperty1 ?tprop1 . ?tprop1 dqm:hasURI ?tpropreal1 . BIND (IRI(str(?tpropreal1)) AS ?tpropURI1) . ?dqr dqm:testedProperty2 ?tprop2 . ?tprop2 dqm:hasURI ?tpropreal2 . BIND (IRI(str(?tpropreal2)) AS ?tpropURI2) . ?dqr dqm:testedProperty3 ?tprop3 . ?tprop3 dqm:hasURI ?tpropreal3 . BIND (IRI(str(?tpropreal3)) AS ?tpropURI3) . ?i a ?tclassURI . ?i ?tpropURI1 ?value11 . ?i2 ?tpropURI1 ?value12 . ?i ?tpropURI2 ?value21 . ?i2 ?tpropURI2 ?value22 . ?i ?tpropURI3 ?value31 . ?i2 ?tpropURI3 ?value32 . FILTER(?i!=?i2 && str(?value11) = str(?value12) && str(?value21) = str(?value22) && str(?value31) = str(?value32)) } GROUP BY ?dqr
Example 13: Functional Dependency Violations (2 Reference Properties, OWL DL Design)
Scenario: | Find functional dependency violations between two property values. |
Input: | Functional dependency reference rules with 2 tested properties. |
Output: | All instances that have violating dependencies between the two tested property values. |
PREFIX dqm:<> PREFIX xsd:<> SELECT ?dqr ?i WHERE { ?dqr a dqm:FuncDepReferenceRule . ?dqr dqm:assessment "true"^^xsd:boolean . ?dqr dqm:testedClass ?tclass . ?tclass dqm:hasURI ?tclassreal . BIND (IRI(str(?tclassreal)) AS ?tclassURI) . ?dqr dqm:testedProperty1 ?tprop1 . ?tprop1 dqm:hasURI ?tpropreal1 . BIND (IRI(str(?tpropreal1)) AS ?tpropURI1) . ?dqr dqm:testedProperty2 ?tprop2 . ?tprop2 dqm:hasURI ?tpropreal2 . BIND (IRI(str(?tpropreal2)) AS ?tpropURI2) . ?dqr dqm:referenceClass ?trefclass . ?trefclass dqm:hasURI ?trefclassreal . BIND (IRI(str(?trefclassreal)) AS ?trefclassURI) . ?dqr dqm:referenceProperty1 ?trefprop1 . ?trefprop1 dqm:hasURI ?trefpropreal1 . BIND (IRI(str(?trefpropreal1)) AS ?trefpropURI1) . ?dqr dqm:referenceProperty2 ?trefprop2 . ?trefprop2 dqm:hasURI ?trefpropreal2 . BIND (IRI(str(?trefpropreal2)) AS ?trefpropURI2) . ?i a ?tclassURI . ?i ?tpropURI1 ?value1 . ?i ?tpropURI2 ?value2 . BIND(STRDT(str(?value1),xsd:string) AS ?value11 ) BIND(STRDT(str(?value2),xsd:string) AS ?value12 ) NOT EXISTS{ ?i2 a ?trefclassURI . ?i2 ?trefpropURI1 ?value11 . ?i2 ?trefpropURI2 ?value12 . } }